
Can we stop hitting PNoy below the belt?

Uminit ang ulo nang makita ko yung isang comment, hindi daw PNoy, BNoy daw, Bading Noynoy. I mean.

Look if there’s one thing I am thankful for PNoy, it’s that he saved us from Erap II. Stop and think, how would Erap handle the Yolanda aftermath, with lots of photo ops, I’m sure, lots of sound and fury, signifying nothing, because he will drink Johnny Walker Blue in a tent in Tacloban. And appear nonchalant with his several wives. A military officer told me that the first time Erap as President set foot in Corregidor, he didn’t set foot on it to honor the valiant defenders of the USAFFE, he stayed in the presidential yacht, playing mah-jong all night long.

And there’s a new thing we should be thankful for, and proud of our President, it’s the Supreme Court’s 14-0 vote against PDAF. Think this would have been possible in a GMA presidency? Fourteen to zero is as close as we can get to heavenly governance, exactly what PNoy had in mind when he batted for Corona’s impeachment.

I also have a personal issue with the President. Straight to the point: I have no respect for people who smoke in the face of a preponderance of medical research on the harmful effects of smoking, which emit carbon monoxide, found in car exhaust fumes, in addition:

Acetone – found in nail polish remover
Acetic Acid – an ingredient in hair dye
Ammonia – a common household cleaner
Arsenic – used in rat poison
Benzene – found in rubber cement
Butane – used in lighter fluid
Cadmium – active component in battery acid
Formaldehyde – embalming fluid
Hexamine – found in barbecue lighter fluid
Lead – used in batteries
Napthalene – an ingredient in moth balls
Methanol – a main component in rocket fuel
Nicotine – used as insecticide
Tar – material for paving roads
Toluene – used to manufacture paint


Being a former smoker, and now a health and fitness advocate, I cannot imagine a person who cannot control his addiction to the loathsome habit presiding over a country of 100 million ungovernable souls.

If only for that, I would not have given PNoy a second look.

But in 2010, we had to put up someone for candidacy who could be elected. It was only PNoy, and we were right. First he trounced front runner and tv commercial savvy Manny Villar, and in the vote, he overwhelmed Erap convincingly. I couldn’t imagine why people would vote for a convict, pardoned, yes, but convicted of a crime nevertheless, but welcome to the Philippines.

Well, that’s how it is in our blessed country. We don’t vote with our minds. We vote with our hearts, being a forgiving and forgetful people we recycle politicians who have done us harm in the past but look remorseful and kawawa naman, mabait naman, sige na nga.

This is roughly the amount of time we were able to tolerate our enemies: Spain, 300 years; America, forever; Japan, no margin; China, forever; Marcos, 20 years, GMA, her entire term. If PNoy bashers are right, he went wrong with DAP, kulang-kulang two months. PNoy was the first president to move our country to investment-grade, the first president to register successive GDP in the 7% region, the first president to have kicked out an arrogant chief justice left as a booby trap by the previous occupant, the first president to have a Supreme Court who is unafraid to say no to him. And Peachy Rallonza Bretana thought he should resign already?

Look, comment or criticize him for all I care, but could you please be respectful? What this country needs is respect for each other. I was as anti-Marcos as the next guy but I don’t recall calling him names aside from Marcos-Hitler-Diktador-Tuta. We are pulling out all stops in being harsh to our President nowadays, at least in social media. PNoy is working out of his box, are you? You can at least try to be kind in your disagreement.


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